Have a Kick as....booty day!!!
4:52 PM
Be Grateful
Find Something to be grateful for. It can be anything. I swear. Seriously, one morning I was grateful for Josh Groban. I've been waking up to his music for the past couple of months and I absolutely love the sound of his voice.
Get Movin'
No you don't have to go to the gym at the crack of down and workout like warrior. You can just dance like nobody is watching. The thing is to get your heart pumping and have fun. Exercise alone releases endorphins which is basically the happy button in the body. Also, how can you not feel good while smiling?
Eat Decently
You can't feel awesome, if you eat crap. End of story.Be Pollyanna
Okay, don't go as far as pollyanna, but do try to stay optimistic. A good majority of the time there is a good side to the situation, so focus on that.
Be silly
Remember how you felt when you were with some friends and acted goofy just for the heck of it? Most likely, you were on cloud 9. For extra kicks, take pictures. There some pictures of me floating on the web that are not so flattering, but I love them because of the memories they bring back.
Stress Less
Is what you're worrying about going to matter in 10 years from now? How about 5 or 1 year from now? No? If not, stop stressing! Yes, get needs to be done over with, but don't grow gray hair over the matter. It only ages you.
Let it out
If something is seriously bothering you, let it out. Find a friend that you trust, grab a journal, or do whatever you feel is appropiate and just let it out. Holding on to frustration effects only you (and for the worse). Once again, it ages you.
Leira Violet
2 crowns:
Wow, great post. Many of those I would do quite well to observe. I catch myself getting stressed out or losing my cool or otherwise forgetting the big picture way too much lately. :-) May Josh Groban live forever!
It's so nice to have another blog to read. Most of my friends have slipped away to other matters and I do not care to read the posts of people I have never met. :-)
"Get a feel for the locals..." spoken like a true journalist. :-) My biggest worry for the trip is that I would be tempted to buy a gallon of Ben and Jerry's and eat it all in one sitting. Isn't it fun to discover calorie burning jogging in new terrain? :-) Actually my parents were a little freaked out when I first mentioned the idea.
Thanks for the comment. The stinker in the pic is my littlest bro.
And, btw, I love the new template!
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