I need an architect to fix this glass ceiling the last one didn't do a good job.
8:21 PM

What would you do if there were no limits?
Seriously, what would you do?
I have no clue what I would do.
Think about it. Those last 5, 10, 20 whatever pounds, didn't matter. The nagging self-defeating voice inside your head, wouldn't exist.The fear, the excuses just vanish. What would you do? How would your life be?
You would just be free.
It's kind of eerie and relieving to think about how free we can be. All of these chains, weights, and limits that we put on ourselves, prevent us from doing what we truly want. Limits that are mostly direct results from personal fear.
When I think about living as if there are no limits, I feel as though I'm cracking the glass ceiling. Like anybody else, I want to be happy. Yes, I'm kind of happy now, but I feel as though there is something more. It's just that dang nearly invisible ceiling is in my way. (Stupid architects).
Don't be a fool and throw caution to the wind. When you're free you also have to be smart. Don't go jogging alone in the middle of the night in a high crime area. That is not being free it is just being dumb. Take a can of pepper spray. Be mature (when necessary) and be an adult.
Take a bold leap (it is extremely bold with a huge leap) and live as though there weren't any limits at all. Nothing to hold you back, because in reality there probably isn't.
Leira Violet
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