Art and Amanda
11:28 AM
First of all, HAPPY EASTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope you all are having a lovely day.
Now it's about time to showcase more artwork I've found on the internet. I try to do it about once a week. My goal was every friday, but I think I'm going to move it to every sunday. Also my friend (Amanda) made an awesome blog post that I think every girl should read.
Time for eye candy
Note: None of these photographs are originals. They were all found on flickr and like an idiot I didn't save many of the artist's names. The last three are done by fredico bebber.

Now it's about time to showcase more artwork I've found on the internet. I try to do it about once a week. My goal was every friday, but I think I'm going to move it to every sunday. Also my friend (Amanda) made an awesome blog post that I think every girl should read.
Time for eye candy
Note: None of these photographs are originals. They were all found on flickr and like an idiot I didn't save many of the artist's names. The last three are done by fredico bebber.

3 crowns:
amazing art work!! Anybody can water fast. And yes, there are all kinds of cleanses that you can do that don't involve the big "E." Google liver gallbladder cleanse or parasite cleanse and you'll find herbs you can take. I guess everybody has them....sick, huh?
PS....thanks for reading my blog!
Love the one of the soldier and the boy. Very touching. You can only imagine what's going on there. :-) Have you enjoyed the Newsroom break? I definitely have, but I'll be glad to get back this coming Sat.
Oh that artwork is wonderful thanks for pimping my blog! Love you!
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