Saturday, March 15, 2008

Challenge I

9:20 AM

Here's a challenge.

Whenever you see someone with nice shoes, pretty eyes, good haircut, etc tell them (boy or girl).


Who doesn't like getting compliments? We here it so often about how people have low self-esteem and how self-conscious people are about this and that. Why not try to make things better by throwing a compliment here and there?

You know how a compliment can turn an otherwise bad day into a good one.

I'm going to do it. I'm going to give out at least one compliment a day. Hey, you never know what might happen. It's possible that it can do as much good to you as to the person you're complimenting.


Leira Violet

1 crowns:

Leighanne said...

Love the first and third ones.

Have you finished your final draft yet? I sent mine in yesterday. Thank heavens it's finished - I was going to go ballistic. :-) I'm actually pretty pleased with the outcome, if I do say so. Not Pulitzer winning, but decent enough.