Friday, February 22, 2008

Life is not Fair

10:56 AM

Who would take money from a sick child? A child who is having a heart surgery. Seriouisly, who? Our biggest fundraiser for SPAMM ( )week has just been snatched from us. We cannot do a Talent Show next friday for our charity event because an upperlevel of our school scheduled a different Talent Show for March 14. She doesn't want to take away talent from the latter event; therefore, the event for SPAMM week is canceled. Now, we're left holding the weight and have to figure out something to do that will be equivalent or better of a fundraiser to reach our goal.

The optimist in me wants to find the bright side of this situation. It failed. The best she can do is preserver and try to find a solution. Maybe that is what optimism is sometimes.

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