constipation takes over the world!!!!!
5:14 PM
I’ve heard some guy said the one of major problems with the world is constipation. I agree. Take the governmental officials, for example, they look like they have corks up their business. That’s probably why they’re so cranky. I would be cranky to if there ain’t nothin’ flowing. Imagine, you’re sitting at work with deadlines and paperwork, but it’s hard for you to focus because there is a giant rock at the base of your seat. Man, that sucks.

Look at that. Look at it. The face reads “I haven’t pooped in 6 days… help” Poor guy, I want to deliver some fibersure to his house. Doesn’t he just look pissed off? If they get the basement machined oiled really well, maybe they’ll be more kind.
Okay, I have a revelation. What if (just maybe) we achieve world peace through the decongestion of colons? Sounds amazing huh? Happy people everywhere! Free from the confines of their digestion system! I can see them now frolicking in the fields. Every person from every nation joining hands (after they’ve been washed) in joyous celebration.

You sir, put down that hamburger and eat some vegetables! Make you colon leap for joy! Eat beans. Eat broccoli. Eat salad. Eat greens. Get that baby moving!!!
Now that we’re on the subject of food. I have come to realize that Valentines Day is not the best day to choose to go raw. I mean I love VDay and all, but chocolate isn’t raw. I shall start again tomorrow and possibly blog my experience. Any raw foodies out there, tips on anything would be amazing.
Leira Violet
Look at that. Look at it. The face reads “I haven’t pooped in 6 days… help” Poor guy, I want to deliver some fibersure to his house. Doesn’t he just look pissed off? If they get the basement machined oiled really well, maybe they’ll be more kind.
Okay, I have a revelation. What if (just maybe) we achieve world peace through the decongestion of colons? Sounds amazing huh? Happy people everywhere! Free from the confines of their digestion system! I can see them now frolicking in the fields. Every person from every nation joining hands (after they’ve been washed) in joyous celebration.
You sir, put down that hamburger and eat some vegetables! Make you colon leap for joy! Eat beans. Eat broccoli. Eat salad. Eat greens. Get that baby moving!!!
Now that we’re on the subject of food. I have come to realize that Valentines Day is not the best day to choose to go raw. I mean I love VDay and all, but chocolate isn’t raw. I shall start again tomorrow and possibly blog my experience. Any raw foodies out there, tips on anything would be amazing.
Leira Violet
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