If I were a medication....
5:24 PM
I would be some type of natural medication made from some unknown exotic flower that was a flaming violet color. The nickname for the medication would be ‘happy juice’.
Take twice a day with energy
Must not be taken literally on many occasions
Warnings / Side effects
May cause annoyance in some. Either increase intake, decrease intake, or just go with the flow until desired effect.
You may experience stomach pains due to uncontrollable laughter. If this occurs just relax and breathe deeply.
Patients may daydream often and become more carefree than usual
1 crowns:
You know uncontrollable laughter can be a serious problem for some narcoleptics. It can trigger cataplexy, and they would lose control of their neck muscles.....I would not recommend this medicine for patients with narcolepsy and a history of cataplexy...
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