Sunday, September 7, 2008

The Creature

7:17 PM

It had the heads of Scylla
each stalked their prey with its one eye
In stealth and greed it scanned the multitude
All are oblivious to its presence
while it seeks those that resist

My hands move along
My mind rejects the motions
My lips move to the songs
My heart refuses the lyrics

Oh no! I've been spotted!
It takes its one eye and glares straight through me
My true motivations cannot be hidden
I'm raised above the masses in its firm grip
Soon paralyzed by scorn glances of dissent
each look disapproving my inner resistance

I await my execution.
to be burned at the stake for my non-conformity
or tortured 'til my soul could bare no more
What will big brother do to me?

Scylla drops me back down
I raise my arms and sing
with all my heart, soul, and mind

Leira Violet

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