Friday, August 29, 2008

50 (plus) B4 30 (plus)

9:21 PM

As always this isn't my photography and I don't know who it came from

I'm so sorry I haven't been on for awhile. There has been so much going on. I had a job working with Middle School children where I learned a lot. I barely got into my dream college. That ordeal alone was an emotional rollercoaster. Those were the major events that happened, there are small details in between that would take up too much time (and memory) that I do not have.

A few days ago I made a contract, which is posted below, with myself which basically covered all that I wanted to be. So, far I haven't stayed entirely true to the contract. The problem is that it's lacking concrete goals or specific actions. To combat that I'm making a list of 50 (plus) things to do before I turned 30. Yes that's right 50 (plus) goals in a little more than a decade. Adventurous? Just a little.


I vow to take care of myself physically, mentally, and spiritually.

I vow that every moment will be tuned toward my greatness.

I vow to be 100% of myself 100% of the time.

I vow to grow everyday.

I vow to be consistent

I vow to love myself

I vow to take action, and chase my dreams

I vow to believe in all of my dreams

Signed Leira Violet August 16, 2008

50+ B4 30+

1. Practice Gratitude everyday

Best way to improve your life

2. Go bungee jumping

3. Snowboard

4. Meditate for 2 hours

If you knew how random and spastic I can be, you would understand why this is on here

5. Do a back flip

6. Learn Capoeira

This kind of ties into the back flip. I've always wanted to do Capoeira, ever since I saw Catwoman (bad movie, awesome martial arts.) It's so playful; yet it can be very dangerous, like me (j/k :-D)

7. Learn 25 balloon animals

8. Learn contact juggling.

9. Write 10 songs (melody and notes included)

I have written some songs, but none of them have actual music to them. It's just lyrics

10. Go (and stay) Vegan

11. Learn fire poi

tee hee. pyro. tee hee.

12. Go overseas.

I don't think I want to stay in a high class hotel and eat the best (vegan) food they have to offer. I want to be able to really get to know the people.Yet, I'm too scared to just backpack around Europe or somewhere. I'll find a happy medium.

13. Ride a Rollercoaster.

Yes, I'm 18 and have never riden one

14. Make a six figure salary.

This is going to be a tad difficult

15. Read fully 'How to win friends and influnce people' and apply it.

16 Visit New York

17 Visit Northern California

18.Learn two new languages

19. stop waiting

20. Read a book every month for a year

21. Grow a (successful) Garden

22. Pray three times a day for a month

23. Actually do lent

24. Go horse back riding

25. Ask a boy out

That's going to be hard!!

26. Start a project and finish it

every project I've started independently, I never reallly finish. This project is going to be huge like building a car engine from scratch.

27. Once graduating college, continue to take classes. At least once a year.

28. Make a living off of writing and/or acting.

Both are unstable, but it can work.

29 Build a fractal card house with a base of 10.

I never really gotten pass four.

30. Attend a Red Carpet Event

I don't really know how this is going to happen

31. Do yoga every day for 2 months

32. Attend Burning Man

I can hear it call my name

33. Say 'I love you. You're beautiful' in the morning everyday.

34. Learn to take and give compliments

35. Attend a protest

36. Put a lot of my time and effort into a cause

37. Make my own medicine (inspired by Daniel Vitalis)

38. Run in a triathlon or ironman.

If you can see the shape I'm in. You will see this is a great feat.

39. Meet a few of the people I look up to.

Gala, Dhrumil, Rawzi, Britanie, Daniel Vitalis, Kris Carr, etc

40. Jump rope for 30 min straight

Just because :-)

41. Learn to drift

42. Learn to ballroom dance

43. Right a personal mission statement and live by it.

44. Go on a road trip across America

45. Accept myself for who I am

Easier said than done

46. Read Night by Elie Weisel and go to a concentration camp the next day

47. Learn to flair bartend

48, Learn my greatest strengths and weaknesses, then celebrate them

49. Surf

50. Attend NYC's bubble battle

51. Take Ballet

52. Vote

YAY!!! I'm 18!!!! One of the few privileges I want with being 18.

53. Attend an Opera

54. Fall in love

I've never had a boyfriend.

55. Find a four leaf clover

56. Donate Blood

57. Donate my time to a charity or work with those less fortunate

I think I can learn so much from being in a charity and working with those who have lost so much.

58. Watch a sunrise on a mountain top.

59. Do a Juice Fast for at least a week

Not one with conventional juice, but with fresh juice that I've made.

60. Start and finish a 1000 piece puzzle

My momma is the queen of puzzles. Every Christmas we get a puzzle and finish it by New Years'.

61. Read Walden

62. Get a Tattoo

Something a little discreet. Nothing too in your face.

63. Mountain/Rock Climb

Leira VIolet

2 crowns:

Sarah said...

Hey girl!! Stillwater is a lot of fun! I have gotten to know a lot of new people, and it has been amazing. Our first home game is Saturday so that is going to SO much fun! I seriously can not wait!! I'll post some pictures! How is school going for you?! How is Spelman? Having fun? Good classes? Keep in touch girl!!

Leighanne said...
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