Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Quote of the Day June 11, 2008

4:25 PM

The Gates of Hell by Rodin
"When you're going through hell, keep going"

-Winston Churchill

I have been drawn to this quote for quite some time now. Part of the reason I like this quote is because it's short just like my attention span. However, it's more of a reminder that just because you're going through 'hell' doesn't mean to turn around.

I have this notion, that when something goes wrong or gets rough that I should turn around and it 'wasn't just meant to be'. Slowly, I am realizing that in order to get to your goals you have to go through some trouble and tough times.

I have always done things that were easy for me. School was easy (until a point). Guitar was easy (until a point). Drawing was easy (until a point). I eventually gave up on all of those, except school, whenever times got rough or wasn't served to me on a silver platter.

Just recently, I had my year anniversary of being vegetarian. I went through 'hell' to get here and still do go through hell, sometimes on a daily bases. Now, I'm focusing on going raw and refining my talents, and getting my body healthy. I face so many challenges it's not even funny, but I'm closer than I would have ever been if I didn't walk into the fire.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Just as an FYI

4:53 AM

Not my cake. Found it on Flickr

Today is my birthday. I'm officially an adult. Well, in governmental terms I'm an adult. Mentally, I'm no older than 16.

Leira Violet