Sunday, March 30, 2008

It's better to ask for forgiveness than permission

5:10 PM

Sorry readers the past week has been a little busy and completely out of focus. I've been in an unfavorable mood and I don't know why. Bare with me please. I have about 3 blog post topics that I really want to share, but for now answer one (or all) these questions.

Which of the pictures I have posted is your favorite and why?

Who do you look up to and why?

What would you like to see me write more about?

Leira Violet

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Art and Amanda

11:28 AM

First of all, HAPPY EASTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope you all are having a lovely day.

Now it's about time to showcase more artwork I've found on the internet. I try to do it about once a week. My goal was every friday, but I think I'm going to move it to every sunday. Also my friend (Amanda) made an awesome blog post that I think every girl should read.

Time for eye candy

Note: None of these photographs are originals. They were all found on flickr and like an idiot I didn't save many of the artist's names. The last three are done by fredico bebber.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

I need an architect to fix this glass ceiling the last one didn't do a good job.

8:21 PM

What would you do if there were no limits?

Seriously, what would you do?

I have no clue what I would do.

Think about it. Those last 5, 10, 20 whatever pounds, didn't matter. The nagging self-defeating voice inside your head, wouldn't exist.The fear, the excuses just vanish. What would you do? How would your life be?

You would just be free.

It's kind of eerie and relieving to think about how free we can be. All of these chains, weights, and limits that we put on ourselves, prevent us from doing what we truly want. Limits that are mostly direct results from personal fear.

When I think about living as if there are no limits, I feel as though I'm cracking the glass ceiling. Like anybody else, I want to be happy. Yes, I'm kind of happy now, but I feel as though there is something more. It's just that dang nearly invisible ceiling is in my way. (Stupid architects).

Don't be a fool and throw caution to the wind. When you're free you also have to be smart. Don't go jogging alone in the middle of the night in a high crime area. That is not being free it is just being dumb. Take a can of pepper spray. Be mature (when necessary) and be an adult.

Take a bold leap (it is extremely bold with a huge leap) and live as though there weren't any limits at all. Nothing to hold you back, because in reality there probably isn't.


Leira Violet

Monday, March 17, 2008

Have a Kick as....booty day!!!

4:52 PM

Here are some suggestions for if you're having a bad day or just wishing to have a good one (everyday of your life). These tips are not in chronological order. So, you don't have to start the morning with the first tip and have to end the day with the last, pick and choose as you please.

Be Grateful

Find Something to be grateful for. It can be anything. I swear. Seriously, one morning I was grateful for Josh Groban. I've been waking up to his music for the past couple of months and I absolutely love the sound of his voice.

Get Movin'

No you don't have to go to the gym at the crack of down and workout like warrior. You can just dance like nobody is watching. The thing is to get your heart pumping and have fun. Exercise alone releases endorphins which is basically the happy button in the body. Also, how can you not feel good while smiling?

Eat Decently

You can't feel awesome, if you eat crap. End of story.

Be Pollyanna

Okay, don't go as far as pollyanna, but do try to stay optimistic. A good majority of the time there is a good side to the situation, so focus on that.

Be silly

Remember how you felt when you were with some friends and acted goofy just for the heck of it? Most likely, you were on cloud 9. For extra kicks, take pictures. There some pictures of me floating on the web that are not so flattering, but I love them because of the memories they bring back.

Stress Less

Is what you're worrying about going to matter in 10 years from now? How about 5 or 1 year from now? No? If not, stop stressing! Yes, get needs to be done over with, but don't grow gray hair over the matter. It only ages you.

Let it out

If something is seriously bothering you, let it out. Find a friend that you trust, grab a journal, or do whatever you feel is appropiate and just let it out. Holding on to frustration effects only you (and for the worse). Once again, it ages you.


Leira Violet

New Weekly Resolutions on St Patty's Day

4:14 PM

Happy St. Patty's Day to all!!!!

If you couldn't tell by my lack of update or even mentioning of my past goals that I completely failed, I'm telling you straightforwardly right now. I failed. All the goals. Everything. Every plan I planned. Gone.

So here I am. starting over.

There is one crucial step that I left out. You must keep the goals visible. They must be present in a place/way that you would see them everyday. It worked the very first time that I tried it when it was brightly placed on my desk. Now the resolutions are taped conveniently against my dresser where it could be the first thing I see when I wake up and the last when I fall asleep. Yes, granted that it's dark at that time, but I'm always sitting on my bed while my desk in the left corner collects dust.

Weekly Resolutions:

Now that it's spring break I can focused on being and staying raw. I need to work on being raw first because that is tricky just on its own.

Do the 'blech' stuff
i.e. homework, scholarships, essay, job hunting, etc. I'm going to actually lists these out later on tonite so I can check them off.

Promote Blog
I really need to get this thing up and running. It's been, what, 2 months?

Blog majority of the week.
I have material and stuff I want to write about. I just haven't written it yet. So look out for new material this week

Leira Violet

SPRING BREAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Leira's Art Gallery I

9:24 AM

I thought I would give you a break from words and showcase some beautiful photography that I've found on the internet. Here's is some pictures that caught my attention. enjoy.


Leira Violet

Challenge I

9:20 AM

Here's a challenge.

Whenever you see someone with nice shoes, pretty eyes, good haircut, etc tell them (boy or girl).


Who doesn't like getting compliments? We here it so often about how people have low self-esteem and how self-conscious people are about this and that. Why not try to make things better by throwing a compliment here and there?

You know how a compliment can turn an otherwise bad day into a good one.

I'm going to do it. I'm going to give out at least one compliment a day. Hey, you never know what might happen. It's possible that it can do as much good to you as to the person you're complimenting.


Leira Violet

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


7:50 PM

This is pretty rough, but it's an article I'm submitting for my (first ever) journalism class.

While most kids played with newly bought toys on Christmas day, Jhett McQueen Skaggs laid in a hospital bed.

Skaggs was diagnosed with cardiomyopathy at an early age. Cardiomyopathy is an inflammation of the heart cavity that prevents the heart from working properly according to the American Hearts Association. The disease stunted Jhetts growth allowing him to grow lengthwise and develop, but not gain any weight. Jhett needed a new heart. As they waited, he received a device that temporarily maintains his heart.

A few teenagers recognized the family’s need and wanted to help. Advanced Science and Technology Education Center (ASTEC) Charter High School hosts a fundraiser for a needy family every year in February. The fundraiser, SPAMM (Students Participating And Making Money) week, consist of dressing up and events every day for a week to raise money for this year’s recipient, Skaggs.

“It was entertaining,” Jane* Woods, a high school freshman, recalls about the weeklong event. She and other students crowded the school auditorium to watch students drink spam smoothies, strut in the fashion show, attack each other with foam balls at the dodge ball tournament, and other various events.

ASTEC is not a large school. The entire school holds no more than 275 students with the graduating class only being forty-three seniors. With its small size the school lacks homecomings and pep rallies that are known at other schools.

“SPAMM week takes the place of big homecomings” John* Spaeth, a faculty member, stated, comparing ASTEC to larger schools, “ gives a sense of being in a high school.”

The week benefited the school also. “Don’t let school interfere with your education” quotes Spaeth. He mentions that SPAMM week taught students how to work together. He watched students give their lunch money away to help a child that they did not know.

Other students got involved because they had an emotional attachment to the issue. Bella* Elwis, a high school freshman, had a cousin who had a heart condition, ‘but they didn’t have the money, so she died” Elwis said.

On the last day, Beth* Skaggs, the mother of Jhett, paid a visit to the school. She looked out at all the high school students that had supported her son and started to weep.

*names have been changed to protect privacy

Sunday, March 9, 2008

So long...............for about a week

9:02 PM

I'm going to stay away from the internet for a week (maybe more if I'm adventorous) in an attempt to be more productive and less procastinative. I have a horrible habit of waiting to the last minute and maybe eliminating the internet awhile will help cure the problem.

So Goodbye, for now

Leira Violet.

Friday, March 7, 2008

awesome is an understatement for this artist

5:45 PM

Check out his site for more photos

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

God, the neglected friend.

4:38 PM

Many people don’t know (much like the raw diet thing) that I’ve been trying to become more spiritual. I’ve tried meditating and praying more, but I never setup a habit. I still pray and meditate every once in awhile, but I’m nowhere near as close to God as I want to be

My religion/spirituality is my crutch. There is nothing that is truly concrete. People can be taken away from you in an instant. An unknown aneurism, a drunk driver, an allergic reaction can take somebody’s life in an instant. Jobs can be lost by saying two words. Tornados, hurricanes too much can alter our life in a second. Knowing that there is always someone I can turn to even if I just want to talk in any circumstance puts me at ease.

Like any good relationship, spending time with someone is how you grow close to them. When it comes to God, he is the neglected friend. I don’t spend that much time with him. Therefore the close relationship I want, is nearly non-existent. Though I hope to change that in the future.

I’m not used to this. I know he’s there, but trying to reach him is a different story. He isn’t tangible at all. If that was the case, I would just go over to chill at his house and things would be so much easier.

When it comes to the Divine spirit and the Universe, things are never easy. Uggh, Life.

Leira Violet


4:42 AM

I do use profanity as seen below, but I won't use it often. I normally don't curse in real life and I will keep it to a minimum on the blog also. I apologize if I offend anyone

Leira Violet